As writers, it could happen at any time.
Many of us have been through it. For some, it could take weeks or months or more.
Writer’s Block can hit when you least expect it. The ink may be flowing or the fingers on the keyboard moving like lightning, but then suddenly all comes to a halt.
There are any theories regarding this discouraging phenomenon, along with a string of remedies. I don’t debate any of these potential solutions. There is no fix that will suit everyone.
Below are just examples of how to step beyond the block and move forward with your writing goal.
· Walk away. Take a break. Go for a walk and take in the surroundings. Whether it is on the beach, a forest or even your suburban block, take in your surroundings. The environment is full of sounds, smells, and structure. Stop thinking and take these things in – it will help you relax, instead of kicking yourself for not writing your novel or any other project.
· Exercise. Not only good for you but helps you to focus on something outside of your writing regime. It is a healthy distraction.
· Hobbies. Do something else you enjoy. This could be a great solution. It is a different focus that you have a passion for. It may include hiking, surfboarding, gardening and the list goes on.
· Write something else. This may reinvigorate your creative juices. It can come with potential risk. If you, for example, are writing a novel and depending on what stage you are at, and you choose to start a new novel, you may never get back to the one you are working on.
If you are at an early stage, you may question your passion for your plot. You may choose to write a short story, blog, or prose instead.
This is a horses-for-courses prospect. What ever works for you best – anything that renews your passion and creativity.
Whatever method you choose and as indicated, there is a plethora of options. Above are just samples.
Whatever you do, keep writing. Good luck.