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Lined Notebook

Leave your legacy behind.

Everyone has a story, why not tell yours?
Share your wisdom, experience and passion with your loved ones and future generations.

Whether it is a short story, a collective of anecdotes or a life-long memoir, your words are there to be written. Sometimes it is hard to know where to start. Some people think about it, never to pursue. Just stop for a minute and imagine seeing your words – your story, become a reality. Words By WSD is here to help.

You may need a little mentoring and encouragement, assistance with sequence and structure, or the actual writing and then, editing. If you need a ghost-writer, Words By WSD can be your writing partner but the words will always belong to you and the finished product will always, be your story.

Unsure of what support you are after or curious to learn more?
Contact us today to learn more 


You have the thoughts and ideas but are unsure how to articulate them. Ghost-writing is not as rare as you might think. With ongoing support, we will help you create your story that you can own and be proud of.


You have completed your manuscript and are now looking for feedback and encouragement. Engaging a professional editor ensures a professional result from your writing, and the confidence in putting your work out there.


Do you have an idea but are not sure where to start? Self-doubt can kill your story quicker than any editor or publisher can. Sometimes, you may just need someone to talk through your ideas with and give you a push.

Pages of Book

A U T H O R   W O R K S

The Letters by Wayne Debernardi


Des Jamieson, cunning businessman, wealthy empire builder and powerbroker, is dying. Did he really rise to the top through hard work alone? What secrets are still lurking in the back of a dying man’s mind?

Lauren’s job looking after patients in the final stage of their lives is challenging, and she is dedicated to helping them pass into the next life peacefully. She has plenty of problems in her own life, but her new patient Des is stubborn and yet intriguing.

What is really important to him? Is it all just a game or are there complex mysteries that must be solved before the inevitable occurs? Learn More →

The Letters Cover

Your words are there to be written. Contact Words By WSD to get started.

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